Done – 80 Pounds Gone

Before and AfterYesterday, I stepped onto the scale, and I cried.  It read, 179.8.   “Thank you, Jesus,” I said.  I knew I couldn’t have done it on my own.  As of Dec. 19, 2013, I have lost 80.2 pounds

I’d resigned myself to being heavy. I can’t express to you how much better I feel, how much happier I am with my appearance, how much more energy I have.  I have changed.  I’m now a person who cares about being healthy – eating well, exercising – those things are important to me now.  They weren’t before.

My challenge now is one I don’t think I expected.  Ten months ago, I was a habitual overeater.  Since then, I’ve been on a diet.  I realized yesterday that I have to learn to eat normally because I’ve never done it before. I still need your support and prayers, but I am committed to being healthy.  I won’t be the guy I used to be.

Thank you.

Less Than 5 Pounds to Go!

Less than 5 pounds to go!Well, after the starch fest that is Thanksgiving (which we were blessed to spend with our friends the Mayers and their family), I didn’t expect to hit this milestone so soon, but as of today, I weigh 184.2 pounds. That’s 75.8 down and only 4.2 to go!

A year ago, I would never have thought I’d be at this weight ever again in my life. (I weighed 185 pounds in high school.) A year ago, I wasn’t even thinking about trying to get healthy! But then a friend pointed me to the app LoseIt!, and it’s ease of use gave me what I needed to get going.

I want to thank all of you who read this blog for continued prayers and support. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you! Less than 5 pounds to go!

A HUGE Day: 60 Pounds Down!

60 Pounds Down!I’m a day late blogging it, but yesterday was most definitely a big day for me.  I weighed in at 199.8 pounds.  That’s 60.2 pounds below my starting weight in February, which is a milestone in and of itself.

The big news – for me at least – is that, for the first time since college (almost 20 years) I weigh less than 200 pounds.  Before I began this weight-loss journey, I’d never thought I’d see a weight that started with a “1” again.  But now, here I am, and I’m still going strong.

I thank God for giving me the strength to stay with this, and I thank you who read this for your continued encouragement and support.  I’m less than 20 pounds from my goal now.  It’s within reach, so I need your encouragement now more than ever.

The 55-Pound Mark

55 Pounds DownIt’s been a while since I posted here. There’s a lot going on in my world since the end of July – moving halfway across the country and starting a new job! That’s had an impact on my posting schedule and my ability to control what I’m eating.


I’ve finally gotten back on track and this week, I hit 205, bringing my total weight loss to 55 pounds. Today I’m at 204.6.

With the move, I missed posting an August progression photo, and I’m a little late for this month, but I hope to post one later today.

45 Pounds Down!

45 pounds down!

45 pounds down!

Today has been a good day. The first mile of my run this morning was under 12 minutes – a good run. And my weight is down to 214.6 – a total loss of 45.4 pounds!

I’ve continued to struggle the last couple of months, but the point is to continue the struggle rather than give up. I’m still losing weight. I’m still changing my life.